SMS Based Services

SMS Based Services (SMS from registered mobile number to avail the services )

(Type Short SMS Code <space> your consumer number and send to 7840002288, eg- #NP 2XXXXXXXXX)

S.NoShort SMS CodesPurpose
1 #RTTo register electricity theft complaint
2 #BD <space> 2XXXXXXXXXTo register billing dispute complaint
3 #DA <space> 2xxxxxxxxxTo know bill amount, due for payment
4 #DB <space>2xxxxxxxxxTo receive the bill on registered E-Mail ID
5 #MB <space> 2xxxxxxxxxTo register meter burnt complaint
6 #SR <space> 2XXXXXXXXX <space> READINGTo provide self meter reading
7 #INFO <space>2xxxxxxxxxTo know contract account / contract no./contractual load / rate category / premise id
8 #ST <space> 2XXXXXXXXX <space> Complaint numberTo know the status of existing complaint
9 #NP <space> 2XXXXXXXXXTo register No supply complaint
10 #WR <space> 2xxxxxxxxxTo register wrong reading complaint
11 #PAYTo pay electricity bill / notification estimate online
12 #MD <space>2xxxxxxxxxTo register meter defective complaint
13 #LP <space> 2xxxxxxxxxTo know the last payment detail

2XXXXXXXXX is the 10 digit consumer no. printed on the first page of the bill

You can register your Mobile number by clicking on Sign In/ Register link or calling our 24*7 Call Centre No. 0120-6226666